A new world...

So many questions arise when you start learning something new. How/when/why/what should/shouldn’t I…? Well, Straightness Training sure has made think and re-think! Like longeing for example. For years I’ve been taught that it is absolutely forbidden to move during longeing, the horse should circle around me and I must stand still on one spot in the middle, preferably with my arms in a “v-shape” with the line in one hand and a long whip in the other. But how am I supposed to teach and help the horse to bend laterally, go forward/down and step under with his hind leg if the horse is several meters away?


Thanks to Marijke’s course and feedback from experienced ST-trainers/students to my video, I now know that I must start working close to Teddy to be able to support him. He must also stop “leaning” towards me with his shoulders and be more self carrying. Then I can gradually increase the distance and start longeing when he keeps the LFS (Lateral bending / Forward down / Stepping under) on small circles and can do shoulders in walking on a straight line.


So focus will be strictly on LFS with baby steps. For both of us. I need to work on my body language and positioning so I will have to focus as much on myself as I focus on Teddy. Little things that can be so difficult…


Teddy last winter, before I've even heard of LFS. I've always ecouraged him to relax.


Thank you for your feedback!

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